
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:龙骑士 更新时间:2015-04-26
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关键词  唐璜, 莫扎特 ,采琳娜 ,演唱风格 ,艺术处理


ABSTRACT:Mozart is one of the greatest European classical music composer, he created the most famous opera which is "Don Juan". His music has the typical characteristics of classical music, with elegant smooth, brightbeautiful, do not need too much singing and transition exaggerated therealizable force, which is agree without prior without previous consultationwith Mozart's shaping wood lina. Opera is a whole, local opera aria isreflected whole opera, opera singer need to combine the creation background, the creation style of the composer, the opera singer's ideasand understanding of the works can accurately express the feelings of the opera. So if you want to master Chai Na Aria "you'll see" must be from the opera "Don Juan", Mozart, Chai Na artistic imagination, Aria "you'll see"singing style and artistic processing aspects of.

keyword :Don Juan  Mozart  Zerlina      singing style  artistic treatment

上传会员 龙骑士 对本文的描述:歌剧《唐璜》是两幕喜歌剧,由序曲、第一幕、第二幕组成,莫扎特在创作时着重于心理的刻划,所以在序曲中就反映出歌剧的中心思想,而且序曲是莫扎特在首演前24小时谱写的,所以......
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