
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:龙骑士 更新时间:2015-04-26
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ABSTRACT:Psychology is the psychological activity law suggests that human scientific. All social practice carried out by people, it cannot do without psychological activity. In people's psychological world of emotion plays an important role, it is like a stain, make people infected with a variety of color, it is like the accelerator, the acceleration or deceleration of. People need to be positive, happy mood; it is the happiness and success that dynamic, full of vitality. Music education on students' development is an important aspect of quality education; it plays a decisive role in the students after growth. In the development of music education in to grab the attention of thinking and the physiological and psychological perception of students, must pay attention to its development rule, heuristic education students from different stages of development in order to achieve a comprehensive science to improve students' comprehensive quality objective.

Keywords: junior high school; music teaching; classroom psychological characteristics

上传会员 龙骑士 对本文的描述:在上学期为期两个月的音乐教学实习中,我发现课堂中常有这样的情况:有些学生在上课时表现积极,主动参与师生互动。有些学生则萎靡不振,不但不参与课堂,甚至不配合教师工作......
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