
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:龙骑士 更新时间:2015-04-26
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摘要:所谓课堂教学指的是一种目的性和意识很强的师生互动性的课堂活动。 通过教学的老师,使学生掌握必要的知识,学习专业技能。课堂教学,使学生在学习中进步,这算是在课堂上有效的学习。本文主要通过单簧管学习、学生心理、改变传统的课堂模式、舞台模式以及课堂教学与舞台相结合等方面浅析课堂教学体现在舞台实践上是一个系统的,长期的教学工程,要用较长的时间去慢慢完成。

关键词  单簧管,课堂教学,实践阶段,阶段应急


ABSTRACT:The so-called classroom teaching refers to a sense of purpose and the strong interaction between teachers and students class activities. Through the teaching of the teacher, make the students master the necessary knowledge, learning professional skills. The classroom teaching, make students in the learning progress, it is effective learning in the classroom. This paper mainly through the study of the clarinet, student psychology, change the traditional pattern of classroom mode, stage and combine classroom teaching and stage and so on the classroom teaching is embodied in shallow stage is a system in the practice of the teaching of engineering for a long time, with a long time to complete.

Keywords: Clarinet,The classroom teaching,Practice stage,The stage of emergency

上传会员 龙骑士 对本文的描述:单簧管的学习队伍之所以不断壮大的原因1.单簧管相比于其他西洋乐器相对来说比较便宜。指法模式是比较容易学习,只要方法正确,发音是容易的,很容易吹出简单的旋律,对于初学者......
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