
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:龙骑士 更新时间:2015-04-26
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ABSTRACT:Shandong Lu Opera is our nation's cultural heritage can not be lost, but it is to protect and pass on every one of us Chinese people, especially students from Shandong bounden duty. In the arts and cultural development and prosperity of today, people received more new art forms and exotic art form, the ancient "Lvju" gradually been forgotten, fade out the art scene. With the new era of the Chinese Communist Party Congress held its eighteenth, as China's traditional arts has added new vitality. Shandong Lvju should adapt to the new situation from the form, content, style, and performance requirements of the new era, in line with the aesthetic tastes of contemporary audiences, and actively seek new development.

Keyword:  New era,  Lü opera(of Shandong Province),  Protect,  Inherit,  Development.

上传会员 龙骑士 对本文的描述:山东吕剧起源于山东琴书是山东最具代表性的剧种,它发源于山东东营地区,后又发展到山东各地。而山东吕剧在此产生是有一定的自然因素和地域原因的,同时跟山东这片沃土特有的......
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