
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:龙骑士 更新时间:2015-04-26
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关键词  四川扬琴,传统乐曲,元素,特色,将军令


ABSTRACT:For YangQinQu the general order of appreciation and playing, the sensation of a solemn sedate, mighty calmly, general war tense. Played by structure, Adagio, Allegro, Presto introduction, epilogue, using simple notes, music variation technique, using Sichuan dulcimer music features, showing a song with the title and the dramatic Wu Qu. "The general" originated from Sichuan music Qupai, regional style of its significant, thus become a repertoire of Sichuan dulcimer, also for the development of Chinese dulcimer traditional music.

In this paper, the Sichuan dulcimer tune "will do a deep discussion on general" version, the musical form structure, music style and performing skills.

Keywords:Sichuan music Traditional music Elements Characteristics The general

上传会员 龙骑士 对本文的描述:扬琴这种既具世界性又富有民族性的乐器,自清乾隆年传入我国,距今已经有了四百年的历史,它与我国民族民间音乐相互融合在各地区逐渐形成了多个风格各异的扬琴演奏流派,如“......
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