
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:龙骑士 更新时间:2015-04-27
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摘要: 舞蹈艺术是伴随人类社会生活和生产劳动同步产生,并成为人类历史发展中不可缺少一门最早形成的艺术形式之一。几千年来,生活在雪域高原上的勤劳聪慧的藏族先民们,在漫长的历史演变中,在征服大自然的斗争和阶级斗争的风云变换中创造了举世瞩目的古老歌舞艺术和具有浓厚神秘色彩的宗教舞蹈。这些争芳吐艳、千姿百态的民族民间歌舞艺术,犹如夜空闪烁的繁星,遍布在幅员辽阔的万里高原上,它是藏民族历史的见证和活化石,它向世人展示出雪域高原人独特的风采。本文本文是对藏族舞蹈的基本体态的分析。并含有藏族舞蹈的基本介绍,以及未来的发展趋势。

关键字  藏族舞蹈,体态种类,艺术特征


Abstract:Dance art is synchronous with human social life and productive labor, and become an indispensable in the human history development one of the earliest form of art form. For thousands of years, the industrious and intelligent life in snow area plateau Tibetan ancestors', in the long history of evolution, the conquest of nature of struggle and the class struggle in the wind and cloud transformation has created a remarkable old song and dance art and rich mysterious religious dance. The beauty and various folk song and dance art, the sky twinkling stars, with tens of thousands of miles in a vast plateau, it is the testimony of Tibetan history and living fossil, it showed snow area plateau unique elegant demeanor. In this paper, this article is the analysis of the basic posture of the Tibetan dance. And contains the basic introduction of the Tibetan dance, as well as the development trend of the future. 

Key Words: Tibetan dance, Body type, Artistic characteristics

上传会员 龙骑士 对本文的描述:藏族民间自娱性舞蹈由“谐”和“卓”两大类组成。“谐”主要是以集体歌舞形式存在于藏族民间的,其中又分为四种:《果谐》、《果卓》(即《锅庄》)、《堆谐》和《谐》。 后来......
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