
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:龙骑士 更新时间:2015-04-27
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摘要: 在本文中主要论述中国竹笛演奏南北派的风格异同,通过两首南北派风格的代表曲目:《姑苏行》、《大青山下》来进一步分析南北派风格的异同。通过分析每首乐曲的演奏技巧、乐曲情感等方面来进行。南派的风格主要是强调情景交融,以情感人。音色甜润、松弛。北派风格强调气势恢宏、粗旷豪放;音色高亢明亮,铿锵有力。

关键字:竹笛  流派   南北风格


Abstract:In this paper mainly discusses the similarities and differences between the style of the Chinese bamboo flute playing the pie, through two north-south style on behalf of the repertoire: "gusu line", "under the daqingshan" to further analyze the similarities and differences between the north-south style. Through the analysis of the performance skills of each piece of music, music emotion, etc. The style of the southern school mainly emphasizes the scene, with emotion. Sound sweet and relaxation. North style emphasizes imposing manner, bold and vigorous; Sounds sonorous bright, powerful.

Key Words:Bamboo flute genre The north-south style

上传会员 龙骑士 对本文的描述: 竹笛是中国古老的民族乐器之一,随着我国考古出土的发现和历史文献的记载使得笛子开始展示出它那非同寻常的历史渊源。如,在《史记》中有记载:“黄帝使伶伦伐竹于昆豀、斩......
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