
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:龙骑士 更新时间:2015-04-27
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摘要: 在富源广阔,资源丰富的藏族地区,都留存着多姿多彩的民间歌舞。因当地的自然生态坏境与不同地域的情况而产生了多种风格独特的舞蹈种类,各色舞蹈种类的形成与奠基都与藏族人民的生活与习俗息息相关,又因不同的文化背景及周边文化的影响使得藏族舞蹈种类都具有自己独特的表演形式与特色风格,并从舞蹈中释放出雪域高原独具一格的情调美、韵律美、动作美及节奏美,充分的展现了藏族舞蹈的审美情趣特征与个性突出的民族特征。藏族舞蹈在将来的发展过程与传承中,主要是通过最基础的藏族审美特征和它的基本要素作为基础,体现出藏族舞蹈的审美价值与它民族特色的实际意义。

关键词  风格特征,审美价值,藏族舞蹈,舞蹈种类


Abstract:In faunas vast, rich resources of Tibetan areas, and colorful folk songs and dances are preserved. Due to the local natural ecological environment and different geography situation and produce a variety of unique style of dance types, foundation for the formation of various types of dance and has a close relation with the Tibetan people’s life and customs, and because of the influence of different cultural background and the surrounding culture makes the Tibetan 

dance types have their own unique style of performance forms and characteristics, and released from the dance came out of the snow area plateau emotional appeal of beauty and rhythm beauty, beauty and rhythm beauty, full display of the Tibetan dance aesthetic characteristic and the individuality prominent national characteristics. Tibetan dance  in the future development and inheritance of Tibetan aesthetic characteristics mainly through the most basic and its basic elements as the foundation, reflect the Tibetan dance aesthetic value and its practical significance of the national characteristics.  

Key word: Style characteristics  Aesthetic value  Tibetan dance type

上传会员 龙骑士 对本文的描述:在推广藏族优秀民族文化与民族发展的过程中,我们应将优秀的藏族舞蹈艺术与本民族的审美情趣相结合,深入藏区探索舞蹈多种多样的种类与风格的独特性,透彻研究藏族舞蹈的审美......
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