
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:龙骑士 更新时间:2015-04-27
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摘要: 胶州秧歌是一种底层民间歌舞艺术,它产生并广泛流传于山东省胶州地区一带,具有浓厚的乡土气息。它有着非常丰富的文化特点和独树一帜的艺术特色。经过数百年的流传与发展,胶州秧歌已成为一种家喻户晓、深受广大人民青睐和喜爱的舞蹈艺术表现形式。胶州秧歌在长久的历史发展进程中以其独特优美的舞姿和具有浓郁地方色彩的舞蹈表演赢得了广大人民的青睐和喜爱,它不仅有其自身的研究价值,同时也是一种娱乐身心的方式。所以在进行胶州秧歌的研究过程中,需要综合胶州秧歌独特的艺术特色和胶州秧歌在进行表演过程中所体现出的风格特点进行综合分析和研究,从而实现对胶州秧歌沿革和发展的深入了解,推动人们对胶州秧歌发展变化及其主要舞蹈艺术特征的把握。

关键词  胶州秧歌,文化特点,艺术特色


Abstract:Jiazhou yangko dance is a low-level folk singing and dancing art, it generates and widely spread in the area of the Shandong region of Jiaozhou Province, with a strong local flavor. It has a rich and colorful cultural characteristics and become an independent school of art. After spreading and hundreds of years of development, Jiaozhou yangko dance has become a kind of make known to every family, by the broad masses of the people is favor and affection in the form of dance art. Jiaozhou  yangko dance in the long historical development process of performing its unique graceful movements of the dancer and the strong local color dance won the people is favor and affection, it not only has the research value of its own, but also a kind of entertainment way. So in the research process of Jiaozhou yangko dance, need comprehensive Jiaozhou yangko dance style unique artistic characteristic and Jiaozhou yangko dance embodied in the process of performance analysis and research, so as to achieve a deep understanding of the history and development of Jiaozhou yangko dance, promote people to development of Jiaozhou yangko dance and dance art characteristic assurance.

Key Words:Jiao Zhou younger  Cultural characteristics  Artistic features

上传会员 龙骑士 对本文的描述:本文是对胶州秧歌的舞蹈文化特点和舞蹈艺术特色进行的分析,首先要深入探索研究胶州秧歌的历史和文化背景,才能充分的发掘出胶州秧歌独特的艺术特色和胶州秧歌在进行表演过程中......
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