
资料分类:艺术类设计 上传会员:好久不见 更新时间:2013-11-22
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关键词:中国元素 融入 主题


ABSTRACT:With the rapid development of society, People's standard of living is getting better. Responsive to the development needs of the times, People growing pursuit of material and cultural level, Higher requirements to the dining environment, Chinese traditional values,Dining is a social way from person to person, Is a manifestation of the identity. Many important things are decided at the dinner table. The Chinese nation has a long history,equally profound food culture, Chinese wind that swept across the globe in recent years. Chinese restaurants have a good grasp of the Chinese nation national essence, fully embodies the characteristics of folk, put a deep Chinese imprint designs closely, "Chinese heart" theme, and layout, lighting design, decoration, decorative color green and the settings all six areas, well into the Chinese elements in the design of the dining space. Lighting, tableware, furniture, crafts people costume ideas revolve around cultural and national characteristics and design, creating a theme restaurant with strong Chinese characteristics.

Key words:Chinese element  Integration into the  Theme




上传会员 好久不见 对本文的描述:设计紧扣“中国心”这一主题,并通过平面布局、灯光设计、装饰软装、装饰色彩、装饰绿化、场景布置六个方面,将中国元素很好的融入到本次餐饮空间设计中。灯饰、工艺品、餐具......
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