
资料分类:艺术类设计 上传会员:好久不见 更新时间:2013-11-22
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ABSTRACT:With the continuous improvement of living standards,people’s shopping environment is also undergoing tremendous change,and brand stores boarded the stage of history.Brand stores and other shops are different, which contains the brands of various types of goods, can put the brand stores as a freestanding small shopping mall.

    A detached shopping plaza is fair scale retail business architecture. It is a representative form and research foundation of modern business architecture. The detached shopping plaza can stand for business, and it adapts to various business forms. Form the perspective of architecture, the general merchandise market as a representative of huge retail business can be regarded as shopping plaza, and the shopping plaza is a higher unite and foundation of commercial body. From the perspective of architecture history, since the half of 19 century, the general market developed with the European modernism architecture. It went through the origination of American Chicago School and high-rise building and was the classic style of commercial architecture in the 20 century, which had significant value of researching. From the standpoint of methodology, the architects need to divide the complex system of modern commercial architecture into element and archetype for the sake of researching. From the development prospect, under the pressure of many rising industries, the commercial architecture has found the right market orientation after long-period depression, and it will be in the new construction trend with the rapid development of retail trade. It is seen that this architecture type is of a high researching value. Thus, this essay intends to research the architecture type of the detached shopping plaza to a large extent. The scope and depth of this essay are limited to the field of architecture design. I expect that it will fulfill the function of reference and guidance to the architects’ practical activities.

Keywords: Brand Culture;modernization;detached-type.


上传会员 好久不见 对本文的描述:品牌专卖店设计研究的目的是使观众在有限的空间中最有效地接受信息。因此,专卖店设计就是围绕着如何有效地提高展示活动的效率和质量进行的。......
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