
资料分类:艺术类设计 上传会员:fuyifan 更新时间:2014-05-26
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摘  要:家具是人们生活工作中最常见,也最常用的重要用具。随着时代的发展,家具出现了很多艺术形式。欧式风格的室内设计在我国十分流行,要打造出浪漫、高贵、舒适的欧式室内环境,欧式家具有十分重要的作用。欧式家具受欢迎的原因在于它经历了几千年的发展历程,有着丰富的文化沉淀,还有它的造型优美、做工精细、工艺复杂。欧式家具的意义不止是它的使用功能,它更能体现主人的地位尊贵,及文化修养和审美品味等等。欧式家具在室内设计中的搭配运用也十分重要,要营造出一个好的欧式风格的室内空间,欧式家具的色彩因与室内空间的整体色调达到一致,并在搭配上合适的配饰,如:墙面壁纸、灯具、装饰画、地板、纺织品等等,通过配饰的衬托,让欧式家具散发魅力,才能很好的达到舒适、优雅和浪漫的室内空间氛围。

关键字:欧式风格   欧式家具   室内设计   搭配运用


ABSTRACT:Furniture is the most common people live and work, but also the most common important appliances. With the development of the times, there have been many forms of art furniture. Today, European-style interior design is very popular in our country, Yaodazaochu romantic, elegant, cozy European-style indoor environment, European furniture has a very important role. European furniture popular because it has gone through thousands of years of development, has a rich cultural precipitation, as well as its elegant, fine workmanship, complex process. European furniture significance than is its use of functions, which better reflect the owner's status and honor, and cultural enrichment and aesthetic tastes like. European furniture in interior design with the use is also very important to create a good European-style interior, European furniture and interior space due to the color of the main colors of the same, and on this basis, with the appropriate accessories, such as: wallpaper, lamps, decorative painting, flooring, textiles and so on, through the accessories off, so that European furniture charismatic and good to create a comfortable, romantic atmosphere.

Keyword:European style;  European furniture;  interior design;  With the use of

上传会员 fuyifan 对本文的描述:欧式家具拥有丰富的文化底蕴,它的艺术形式,从古至今随着时代的发展也在改变,出现了很多家具历史上典型的风格,如:巴洛克风格、哥特式风格、洛可可风格等等。在室内设计中......
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