
资料分类:中英译文 上传会员:天使的翅膀 更新时间:2019-04-11
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外包现象起源于1950年,但是直到八十年代才称为策略被企业广泛采用。从此,决策从严格成本控制变得更为合作化,成本变成间接决定因素。在决策的发展过程中,以下三个广泛的时期可以被清晰的划分出来,这个三个时期在一定程度上有所交叉,包括Big bang时期,Bandwagon时期和Barrieless Organizations时期。本篇文章阐明了外包的衍化所引起的研究者们的争论,以及由此所引发的理论研究背景更加广泛。通过对现有理论研究的探索,本篇文章将探讨外包策略自提出至今的实际到理论研究的发展。除了给信息技术产业经理人提供更深一步信息之外,这篇文章还将探索外包策略的未来,即外包策略的未来方向以及研究内容


外文原文(字符数 12948):

30+ years of research and practice of outsourcing – Exploring the past andanticipating the future


In 1776 Adam Smith (taken from 1933) argued that a company operates more efficiently if production tasks are distributedamong individuals, who specialize in manufacturing certain parts of the production process. Two centuries later Williamson(1975) questioned Adam Smith's pin-making logic by stating that the technically distinct operations (wire straightening,cutting, pointing, grinding, and so forth) of pin manufacturing could, in principle, not only be performed by distinct employees,but independent specialist organizations. Williamson followed the ideas of Coase (1937), who suggested that transactionsshould be organized within a firm when the cost of doing this is lower than the cost of using the market. The ideas of Coase andWilliamson on the transaction cost theory are often referred to as the prominent ideas behind outsourcing. Since then, theresearch on outsourcing has been gathering increased attention among researchers of several different disciplines.

上传会员 天使的翅膀 对本文的描述:外包革命衍化的下一个重大事件和时期仍然不是很清楚。但是有一件事是很清楚的,外包已经巨大的改变了企业在当今全球市场的竞争方式。例如,生产活动的外包已经导致了无数企业......
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