
资料分类:医药学院 上传会员:阿里夫人 更新时间:2014-12-13
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摘 要:本研究采用美国心理学家舒伯于1970年编制的《WVI职业价值观澄清测量表》及访谈法对西北民族大学324名90后少数民族大学生进行问卷调查和访谈,目地在于研究90后少数民族大学生的职业价值观特点。本研究结果表明:(1)90后少数民族大学生在就业时偏爱“专业对口”。(2)在面临择业或就业时,90后少数民族大学生对于个人收入期望值偏高,在工作职位乃至工作职能以及内容上过于好高骛远。(3)90后少数民族大学生偏爱安稳职业,如公务员及国企、事业单位。(4)90后少数民族大学生职业价值观较不切实际,多数90后少数民族学生不能很好的评估自己,不能对自己的职业做出准确的定位,在就业时做出不切实际的举动。

关键词  90后,少数民族大学生,职业价值观


ABSTRACT:324 post-90 minority college students from Northwest University For Nationalities were tested and investigated according to the version of Work Values Inventory (WVI) edited by the American psychologist Super in 1970.The purpose is to study the characteristics of professional values post-90 minority college students. The result shows:(1)Post-90 minority college students prefer “professional counterparts” when choosing career.(2) When confronted with employment,Post-90 minority college students has high expectations and ambitious on personal income and even on the job’s position and content.(3)Post-90 minority college students prefer a stable job such as Civil Servants and state-owned enterprises, public institutions.(4)Post-90 minority college students has unrealistic professional values. Majority Post-90 minority college students can’t assess themselves so they can’t make accurate positioning of their career and make unrealistic decisions in employment.

Key Words: Post-90; Minority college students; Professional values 

上传会员 阿里夫人 对本文的描述:大学生在WVI职业价值观测量表的总分数上存在显著差异,并且女性在量表中的每个维度的平均得分都要高于男性,在经济报酬和安全稳定这两个维度上存在明显差异,在成就动机和人际......
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