
资料分类:医药学院 上传会员:阿里夫人 更新时间:2014-12-13
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摘 要:研究少数民族大学生的学习动机和学习态度的现状和形成原因,对于开展民族教育,发展民族文化有着重大意义。本研究通过对西北民族大学在校藏族回族部分大学生进行了学习动机与学习态度的问卷调查,探讨了当代少数民族大学生的学习动机与学习态度相关的问题。结果显示:少数学习动机与学习态度的不存在相关性;少数民族大学生学习动机与学习态度在性别和不同民族维度上均没有显著差异;少数民族大学生学习动机与学习态度不受居住地环境影响,也不受其年级的影响。

关键词  少数民族大学生,学习动机,学习态度


ABSTRACT:Status motivation and learning attitude of Minority College Students and the formation of the reasons for the conduct of national education, the development of national culture is of great significance.In this study,Northwestern University,the Hui ethnic Tibetan part of the school conducted a survey of college students learning motivation and learning attitude, discusses the problems of contemporary ethnic minority college students' learning motivation and learning attitudes related through.The results showed that: a small learning motivation and learning attitude there is no correlation;minority college students learning motivation and learning attitude were no significant differences in gender and ethnic dimensions;environmental impact of minority college students in learning motivation and learning attitude is not live,not affected grades.

Key Words: Minority students ,Motivation, Learning attitude

上传会员 阿里夫人 对本文的描述:在倡导终生学习的当今社会,对学习问题的相关研究成为备受关注的课题。其中,关于学习动机与学习态度的相关性研究更加深入。本研究借助调查问卷,通过对当今少数民族大学生的......
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