
资料分类:财务管理 上传会员:你好,学长 更新时间:2013-11-17
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关键词: 中小企业;成本控制;问题研究


Abstract:Small and medium sized enterprises developed quickly in China’s current economic system. Now, small and medium sized enterprises have become the very important part of promote social stability and economic growth,and have made importan contributions to our country’s economic development and optimizing the distribution of resources.But the small and medium sized enterprises still in the weak competitive position in the socialist market economy, particulary in the current grim economic situation, mostly small and medium sized enterprises are faced with crisis of survirval.This passage mainly described the importance of strengthen cost control to small and medium sized enterprises, analyzed the existing problems of cost control in small and medium sized enterprises, and provided methods to solve those problems which existed in current cost control system in small and medium sized enterprises. Then,the new cost control system will express the advantage of small and medium sized enterprises better, and let them get a better position under fierce competition.

Keywords: Small and Medium-sized Enterprises; Cost Control; A Study of Problem




上传会员 你好,学长 对本文的描述:分析了中小企业在成本控制方面存在的问题,针对现行中小企业成本控制制度提出了具体解决这些问题的对策。改进后的成本控制制度将更好地发挥中小企业的优势,使其在激烈的社会......
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