
资料分类:财务管理 上传会员:你好,学长 更新时间:2013-11-17
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关键词: 注册会计师,职业道德,基本原则


Abstract:With increasingly sophisticated capital markets, investor accounting information for investors, rely on increasingly strong audit information, and accounting information ,the authenticity of audit information is increasingly important. But so far, there been many incidents detrimental to the image of the CPA, such as Hainan, water events, Guangxia events, MACAT events. These events revealed the outbreak of the accounting industry, a lot of problems, especially the CPA professional ethics. Certified Public Accountant in the market economy is not an ordinary market transaction participants, the accounting information as a witness in the maintaining the normal order of market economy plays an important role. Market economy, rule of law is strictly economy , but also the strict integrity of the economy . CPA society to reshape the image and reputation, we must improve the professional ethics. In the socialist market economy, the emphasis on CPA professional ethics, more profound practical significance and far-reaching historical significance. 

Key Words:CPA,professional ethics,basic principles




上传会员 你好,学长 对本文的描述:为了使注册会计师担负起神圣的职责,在社会中树立起良好的职业形象,就必须进一步改善审计市场的监管机制和制度,净化审计环境,大力加强对注册会计师的职业道德建设,提高注......
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