
资料分类:财务管理 上传会员:皇家戏子 更新时间:2014-02-16
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关键词:会计准则 无形资产 公允价值 优化


Abstract: The New Accounting Standards for Enterprises implemented on January 1, 2007 has employed fair value to deal with economic business,which is the substance across than the old Accounting Standards for Enterprises .it shows the more normalization of our market economy .And in the age of knowledge economy, Advances in technology and international protection of intellectual property also have promoted the status of intangible assets which has been the core resource of many enterprises. The market of intangible assets also have shown increasing trend. In this situation, the issue of fair value for intangible assets is well worth discussing. This article talks about the fair value of intangible assets from the perspective of guidelines, which can be raised to the standards and optimize the provisions of the fair value of intangible assets. The author's own ideas and suggestions also have been raised. 

Key words:Accounting Standards for Enterprises  intangible assets   fair value  optimization





上传会员 皇家戏子 对本文的描述:对于无形资产公允价值的问题就很有探讨的必要。本文就是从准则的角度对无形资产的公允价值问题加以探讨,从而上升到准则角度,对无形资产公允价值规定加以优化提出自己的想法与......
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