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资料分类:财务管理 上传会员:soso 更新时间:2014-04-26
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关键词 资本结构;公司业绩;实证分析


Abstract:At present, the environmental protection industrial listed company of our country is in rapidly developing stage. With the rapid development of our economy and the unprecedented environmental challenge faced with our country, environmental protection and the development of the environmental protection industry has gained more attention from society and policy support. Since listed companies in China's special economic environment, and there were inconsistent results between the capital structure and performance of the listed companies. Research on relationship between capital structure and performance of listed companies of the environmental protection industry is makes sense. The thesis based on the theory of statistics and economics, using qualitative analysis, quantitative analysis and empirical analysis and combining methods to research. The paper introduces the sample selecting process, data sources and each kinds of variable’s definition in detail, and proposes research hypotheses of this paper. Use the econometrics model 5.0 to discuss the relationship between capital structure and performance of listed companies of the environmental protection industry. The Conclusion shows that correlation between capital structure and performance of the environmental protection industry listed companies is negative correlation, and lower asset-liability ratio, stock right relatively collective.

Keywords   Capital structure   Performance of the company   Empirical study

上传会员 soso 对本文的描述:由于我国对资本结构的研究还处于比较初级的起步阶段,国内是学者依据国外的相对完善的理论,并在我国特殊的经济制度下研究我国上市公司的资本结构相关问题。而我国对资本结构......
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