
资料分类:财务管理 上传会员:soso 更新时间:2014-04-26
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关键词 财务风险;原因分析;防范措施


Abstract:Risk management plays a very important role in the company, if the company did not take effective preventive measures to diversify and reduce financial risks, it may transformed into the financial crisis. The insurance company is a Operational risk financial careers, which assume the responsibility of various risks in the community, by collecting insurance premiums. Therefore, for the insurance company,The stability of risk management, control or not will not only influence the sustainable development of insurance company financial operations, but also  financial industry or other industries, particularly for insurance companies. As a particularity industry,insurance company promote social stability, aggregation and supply of funds ,continue promoting the growth of social economic. In economic terms, which has a unique sensitivity and vulnerability in the financial industry, especially with the development of economic and financial liberalization, marketization and globalization, the scope and the impact of the insurance industry is also growing, how to prevent and control the operational risks effectively, has becoming a core issue for this particular industry.

   In this paper, Investment, management science, operations research has been used,introduce the definition of financial risk,analysis the domestic and foreign scholars research, discuss what else needs to be improved. Life Insurance Company Limited, for example, a systematic analysis of their financial risks and risk prevention measures will help it avoiding risks in the future.

Keywords  Financial risk   Cause Analysis  Preventive measures

上传会员 soso 对本文的描述:对于企业来说,风险小自然会使公司发展持续经营发展,就像没有大风浪小船自然会抵达彼岸,善于发现并采取措施来防范才是企业生存之道。降低财务风险具有重大的现实意义:(1)加......
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