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资料分类:财务管理 上传会员:易小编 更新时间:2014-08-25
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关键词:盈利能力  指标  分析


ABSTRACT:Profitability analysis is the process of comparing income to output and determining how much profit was made during a specific time period. Profitability analysis is not only important to management, but also for business owners (shareholder) and creditor. A whole-business profitability analysis can help management, owners (shareholder) and creditor identify Status of the enterprise, help them adjustment next plan correctly and then make decision. 

   This thesis analysis profitability of Anhui Conch Group Company based on related profitability indexes. After overview the profitability analysis theory, introduce the profile of Anhui Conch Group Company . And then complete a general profitability analysis for this company and a special analysis for its listed Company by some profitability indexes which based on financial statements. Finally a comprehensive evaluation of this company’s profitability has come out based on those indexes.


上传会员 易小编 对本文的描述:本文从安徽海螺集团有限责任公司出发,对安徽海螺集团有限责任公司的盈利能力进行分析。通过对该企业的盈利能力进行客观、全面、准确的分析,了解这一公司在该阶段的经营成绩......
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