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资料分类:财务管理 上传会员:易小编 更新时间:2014-08-25
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关键字:偿债能力  比率分析  比较分析


ABSTRACT:Corporate solvency is an important sign reflecting the financial standing and operating capabilities of a company. Whether a company has the ability to maintain good cash flow and pay back debts is the key to the company's ability to survive and sustain healthy development. And how well a company can repay various maturing debts is the determing factor in evaluating the merits of a company's financial position.

   Properly and systematically evaluating the solvency of a company relates both to the effective control of the company's financial and operating risks and the financial interests of the related investors, creditors and the public. Therefore, for a modern enterprises operating in a market economy, its solvency is a core element in measuring the company's corporate financials.

   Relying on related knowledge in solvency analysis, this thesis evaluates the financial reports of the OCT Company and analyze the solvency of the company using comparative analysis, ratio analysis and trend analysis, and made several recommendations on how to improve the solvency. 

Keywords:  Solvency; Ratio Analysis; Comparative Analysis

上传会员 易小编 对本文的描述:根据分析期限的不同,公司的偿债能力分析可分为短期偿债能力分析和长期偿债能力分析两类。短期偿债能力是指在不超过一年(或一个营业周期)的分析期内的偿债能力,主要表现为用流......
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