
资料分类:财务管理 上传会员:致青春郑微 更新时间:2013-08-04
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关键词:现行会计准则  EVA业绩评价体系  传统业绩评价体系


Abstract:The most prominent feature of current accounting standards  reflect objectively the real value of the assets and liabilities, which tend to EVA reflects the corporate real value added. The essay will study the performance evaluation system of EVA under the current accounting standards. The text consists of five parts: The first, introducing the basic computational model of the EVA and accounts regulation of EVA. The second, discussing characteristic of the current accounting standards and the effect of the current accounting standards on EVA. The third, the status of using the performance evaluation system of EVA at home and abroad. The fourth, analyzing statistics data and comparing the performance evaluation system of EVA with traditional performance evaluation system, and summarizing the advantages and disadvantages of EVA. The fifth, some suggestions of using the performance evaluation system of EVA in future.

Key Words:Current accounting standards  EVA   Traditional performance evaluation system


我国改革开放30年,由计划经济转变成为市场经济并且融入世界经济体系。外资企业的进入,企业经营的多元化和上市公司的数目日益增加,为完善我国的经济制度,2 006 年我国颁布了新会计准则,此准则最大的特点就是趋同于国际会计准则。所以在现行会计准则下我国引入EVA业绩评价体系也符合当前的经济形势。而且,与传统的业绩评价体系相比,EVA不仅包括了股东的利益,还比传统的业绩评价体系有更强的解释企业价值的能力。它的这一优势被广泛接受。从国资委颁布的《中央企业负责人经营业绩考核暂行办法》来看,在今后,EVA在我国会有着非常广阔的应用空间。EVA业绩评价体系作为一种科学有效的对于企业建立明确的企业财务管理目标和深化企业改革有重大的意义,但EVA也有自身的优点与的局限性,在今后的应用实践中,应该发扬其优点,逐渐弥补完善其缺陷,使EVA在企业的经营管理之中发挥最大的作用。


上传会员 致青春郑微 对本文的描述:全文包括五个部分:一是介绍在现行会计准则下EVA的计算模型及其调整项目;二是阐述现行会计准则的特点并分析其对EVA的影响;三是论述国内外EVA业绩评价体系应用的现状;四是结合......
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