
资料分类:财务管理 上传会员:致青春郑微 更新时间:2013-08-10
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Abstract:Human society is experiencing an environmental revolution that it thinks protecting the ecological environment, prevention and reduction of environmental pollution, conservation and rational use of natural resources as the core content .It deeply Impact on all areas of the socio-economic life. Leather enterprises are no exception. The pollution of Fur and leather production enterprises is seriously for environment.  Face the barriers of the environmental social and international trade, It is the only way to go green Environmental path of sustainable development for Leather enterprises.

   This paper explores the lack of environmental protection of the Huarong company and the Application Status in the respect of the Environmental costs of Confirmation, Measurement and the report of Huarong company, and further improvement measures,combining the Status that  Huarong leather of Dalian Co., Ltd. (following Huarong) is just beginning in environment cost accounting.

Key words: Environmental costs; Confirmed; Measurement;Disclosure


上传会员 致青春郑微 对本文的描述:本文结合大连华融皮装有限公司(以下简称华融公司)在公司环境改革刚刚起步的现状下,探讨华融公司在环境保护方面存在的不足和环境成本的确认、计量和报告方面的应用现状,以提......
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