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资料分类:电气工程 上传会员:飞舞的丝带 更新时间:2014-07-06
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摘  要:本论文将用德国西门子PLC对M小区车库里本区车辆进出及停放指示、外部车辆进出停放收费、车辆全方位进行监控的方案,此方案不仅提高了设计效率,维护周期短而且调试方便,成本也比较低。同时更重要的是有利于管理者对的车库门车辆进出进行全方位的自动化控制,大大降低了人为工作强度以及出错概率。


关键词:PLC  停车场  车库门  监控


ABSTRACT:This paper will use to M community garage, Germany's Siemens PLC in vehicle access and parking instructions, external vehicles in and out of the parking charges, all-round monitoring scheme, this scheme not only improves the design efficiency, short maintenance cycle and debug is convenient, cost is low. At the same time is more important for managers to garage door vehicle in and out of a full range of automation control, greatly reduce the manual work intensity and probability of error. 

   Due to the necessity of community garage door control system and the PLC unique processing ability, this article designed automatic garage door control unit, it depends on the presence of vehicles by vehicle detector automatic detection, check for internal vehicle in this area at the same time, the judge management of vehicles, respectively, garage with full monitoring video, with a simple, convenient and reliable installation and maintenance, security, and so on many kinds of characteristics. 

Key words: PLC; depot; The garage door; control 

上传会员 飞舞的丝带 对本文的描述:车辆进入后,记录车辆总量,车辆离开时,相应减少车辆数量,实时显示当前停车位信息,方便管理员操作安排,该系统还具有灯光自动开停功能,全场电子监控拍照功能,大大增加了......
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