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资料分类:电气工程 上传会员:飞舞的丝带 更新时间:2014-07-06
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摘  要:随着人们生活水平的日益提高,电梯成为了城市生活中必不可少的垂直交通工具。电梯的种类和功能也逐渐的增多,传统的电梯已经不能满足现今人们生活需求。人们对于电梯的要求也越来越高,不仅是在安全性、舒适性上,在电梯的效率和节能方面也有了较高的要求。





ABSTRACT:As people living standard is increasing day by day, the elevator has become the essential vertical transportation in the city life. Type and function of the elevator also gradually increase in the number of updates, and the traditional elevator cannot meet the demand of people's life today. People also more and more higher to the requirement of the elevator, not just in safety, comfort requirements, in terms of efficiency and energy saving of the elevator also have higher requirements.

   The traditional relay control and single elevator in the elevator running already cannot satisfy people's needs. In this design is based on an elevator, with PLC as the core, the reform of double elevator control system. To solve all kinds of difficulties in people in today's life, improve the working efficiency of the elevator and effective save resources. Provide convenience for people's travel. 

   In the paper, through the analysis of the PLC and comparison, choose the suitable PLC chose Siemens programming control method, put forward nine layers of double elevator design train of thought, lists the system control flow chart, control principle, the I/O allocation table and the ladder diagram of the lift. Complete the double elevator control system to do save resource and reasonable use of the elevator.

Keywords: double elevator; PLC; layered; control

上传会员 飞舞的丝带 对本文的描述:本次课题的研究“基于PLC控制的九层双电梯的控制”做出如下诠释:结合当今电梯控制系统的主流和人们在生活中对于电梯安全性、稳定性的要求选择使用PLC控制系统,同时考虑到人们......
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