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资料分类:电气工程 上传会员:圈圈 更新时间:2014-07-08
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摘要:火电厂电气一次部分的设计,它是电力系统中的首要部分,同样也是电力系统中最重要的部分。如果在一个电力系统中,没有了发电厂,也就不存在电力系统了。发电厂它是将一些自然界的一次能源转化为电能,然后再经过一些输变电系统,送到人们所需要的负荷中心。对发电厂电气部分的设计,我们首先要确定主接线系统 ,通过主接线系统对短路电流进行一些相关的计算,然后在短路电流计算结果的基础上对电气设备进行选择及校验、和防雷保护等。做这些相关的工作,最终目的就是确保电力系统整体部分以及发电厂、变电站运行的安全性、可靠性、经济性和灵活性。本设计主要是针对(2×50MW+2×200MW)火电厂电气部分的初步设计。



ABSTRACT:Coal-fired power plant electrical part of a design,it is the primary part in power system, is also the most important part of power system. if in a power system, without the power plant, also there is no electric power systems, power plants, it is to some of the nature of the primary energy into electrical energy, and then after some power transmission and transformation system, to the people needed to load center. To the design of power plant electrical part, we first need to determine the main wiring system, through the main wiring system to some related calculations of short-circuit current, and then in the short circuit current based on the results of settlement for electrical equipment selection and calibration, and lightning protection, etc. Do the related work of the ultimate goal is to make sure that electric power system as a whole part and the safety of the power plant and substation operation, reliability, economy and flexibility. This design is mainly aimed at(2×50MW+ 2×200MW)coal-fired power plant electrical part of the preliminary design. 

Key words: power plants; Electrical parts; Electrical equipment; The main wiring design

上传会员 圈圈 对本文的描述:我们必须把一些不必要的设备,一些没有利用价值只消耗能源的设备取消,改为一些比较经济、可靠、安全的设备。虽然现在中国逐步不断开展新能源发电机组,如风能、太阳能,但是......
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