
资料分类:电气工程 上传会员:圈圈 更新时间:2014-07-12
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关键词 计算机;虚拟仪器;传统仪器;LabVIEW;虚拟示波器


Abstract:Traditional instruments, with the development of computer technology gradually to the direction of the computer. Virtual instrument is the modern instrument technology, computer technology and other high and new technology, and promotes the traditional instruments to modularization, digital and intelligent direction, its function and practicability has gone far beyond the traditional instruments.

   Was the design of virtual oscilloscope based on by the U.S. national instrument (NI) developed by LabVIEW software. The realization of the main method Was to use the LabVIEW software design with signal acquisition, waveform display, automatic measurement, spectrum analysis function of the virtual oscilloscope. Needed for the design of hardware was the built-in computer sound card, due to the lack of sound cardwas in some ways, could only be used to measure the average range of audio signals, in the final debugging using the audio line the function signal generator wais connected to a computer, respectively by the LabVIEW software design of virtual oscilloscope display sine wave, triangle wave, square wave of the waveform.

   The design of virtual oscilloscope features a universality, low prices. Under the condition of the requirements for sampling frequency is not high, can the sound signal acquisition, display of the virtual oscilloscope.

Keywords  The computer  Virtual instrument  Traditional instruments  LabVIEW  The virtual oscilloscope

上传会员 圈圈 对本文的描述:虚拟仪器发展的一个重要方向是图形化编程软件平台的进一步发展和完善。虚拟仪器技术努力未来的发展方向是通过使用虚拟仪器来帮助我们对测试结果进行有效分析,并且完成复杂的......
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