
资料分类:电气工程 上传会员:圈圈 更新时间:2014-07-14
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关键词  AT89C51单片机;DS18B20传感器;LCD1602显示器;温度控制


Abstract:With the development of computer, computer is more and more widely used in various fields.

   SCM is a kind of integrated circuit chip, which is in the use of integrated circuit technology to CPU , RAM and ROM, I/O port and interrupt system, timer / timer functions ,which is integrated into a micro computer system to form a silicon chip.

   Refrigerator temperature control system is in the use of digital temperature sensor DS18B20 to complete the refrigerator refrigeration (frozen) room temperature data collection, and the collected data is converted to a digital signal is transmitted to the AT89S52 processing, which is to achieve intelligent control. This system uses AT89S52 as the control core, PWM signals generated by single chip on the SA8382 control chip, which is to control the power module inverter circuit for PWM signal, the output of different frequency alternating current, the compressor frequency control,which is to achieve the purpose of variable refrigeration.

   In this paper, the first chapter introduces composition work principle and variable frequency refrigerator refrigerator; the second chapter introduces the overall design scheme of the control system; the third, the four chapter introduces the design of hardware and software of control system.

Keywords  AT89C51 single-chip microcomputer  DS18B20 sensors  LCD1602 display  The temperature control

上传会员 圈圈 对本文的描述:冰箱组成主要包括箱体、制冷系统、控制系统和附件四个部分。制冷系统又包括压缩机、冷凝器、蒸发器和毛细管四个部分,这四个部分组成一个封闭的循环系统。控制系统中又包括温......
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