
资料分类:电气工程 上传会员:圈圈 更新时间:2014-07-14
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关键词 锅炉温度;过程控制;MCGS组态软件


Abstract:Application configuration software design a boiler water temperature control system simulation monitoring platform, to achieve practical engineering problems of process control, and now the aim is to achieve the design process of the boiler water temperature control.

    In order to better design a boiler water temperature control system, the design uses MCGS configuration software to design the system. In recent years, along with the extensive application of configuration software, combined with the practical requirements of the boiler control system and configuration software, configuration software features began to be applied to the boiler control system. Because MCGS configuration software with a simple, good visibility, maintainability, performance, and other prominent features, it can quickly construct and build PC monitoring system, and can run on multiple operating systems stability. This whole system is actually a process control system.

Keywords  Boiler temperature  Process Control   MCGS configuration software

上传会员 圈圈 对本文的描述:我国锅炉制造业有了突飞猛进的进步,凭借现在的锅炉技术,已经可以生产出各种不相同多种锅炉,现今全球生产使用锅炉最多的国家就是我国。以此同时,行业效率散开配置资源低下......
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