
资料分类:电气工程 上传会员:圈圈 更新时间:2014-07-14
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关键词 水箱模型;PID控制器;MATLAB仿真;参数整定


Abstract:In the progress of production, in order to meet the requirement of production, the temperature, pressure, flow level and other process variables often require to maintain a certain value, or to change according to certain rules. The controller is based on the control principle of the whole control system deviation of regulation, so that the actual value of the controlled variable can be in agreement with the predetermined value process requirements. And the PID controller is a common feedback loop member in the industrial control applications. In the case of other control method causes the system to steady-state error, a PID feedback loop can make use of the tuning method by deserting the parameter setting system to maintain stability and the improvement of the performance indicators.Controller parameter tuning is the core content of the control system design. This design mainly through the tank model requires common controller (such as PID) parameter tuning method, the controller parameters using Matlab tools impact on the performance of the control system simulation comparison.

Keywords  tank model  PID controller  Matlab simulation  Parameter tuning

上传会员 圈圈 对本文的描述:PID控制中最重要的是参数的整定,所以如今国内和国外的PID控制技术的研究主要集中于其参数的整定。PID控制算法是目前最常用的控制策略。有许多不同的方法以确定合适的控制器参数......
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