
资料分类:电气工程 上传会员:阳の阳 更新时间:2014-07-25
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摘  要:开关磁阻电机(SRM)作为一种新型的特种电机,以其结构简单坚固、低成本、高容错性能以及高速运行的能力,越来越广泛地应用于牵引运输、航空航天、家用电器等各个领域中,具有很大的潜力。



关键词:开关磁阻电机 起动特性 起动转矩


ABSTRACT:Switched reluctance motor (SRM) as a new special motor, its simple structure sturdy, low-cost, high-performance and high-speed operation of the fault-tolerant capability, more widely used in traction transportation, aerospace, household appliances and other field, has great potential.

   Switched reluctance motor starting characteristics reluctance motor starter part of its direct impact on the switched reluctance motor drives the load. In this research focuses on how the smaller starting current point in the case of a larger starting torque, for this situation, through MATLAB simulation software simulation, to obtain a series of current and torque simulation waveforms, By analyzing the results of a smaller current waveforms larger torque curve.

   By the application of FLC SRM MATLAB simulation analysis, some of the simulation of the response waveform, although there are some not too consistent with the theoretical waveform, but by constantly adjusting the parameters of FLC, so the waveform to achieve the ideal state.

Keywords: Switched Reluctance Motor ;Starting characteristics ;Starting torque

上传会员 阳の阳 对本文的描述:开关磁阻电机的起动性能十分优良,衡量一个电机起动性能的好与坏,主要是看它的起动转矩和起动电流的大小。开关磁阻电机的起动性能主要包括以下三个方面内容:起动转矩Tst、起......
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