
资料分类:电气工程 上传会员:阳の阳 更新时间:2014-07-25
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摘  要:温控系统在生活和科研中的应用非常广泛,其重要性更是不言而喻。因此,开发更精准的高性能温控系统很有必要。



关键词:DS18B20 单总线 单片机 温度采集


ABSTRACT:Temperature control system is widely used in life and in scientific research,Its importance is self-evident. Therefore,It is necessary to develop more accurate temperature control system with high performance.

  Taking Single-chip microcomputer as the host,DS18B20 temperature sensor from the machine. We can make the over-temperature alarm temperature control come true based on the single bus communication.This is the purpose of this design.This design mainly includes two parts: hardware and software.The hardware was reflected to the schematic diagram,so as to achieve the function of the hardware,Software design using C programming,The programming mainly includes The 4*4 keyboard keys to control, Digital tube display program,DS18B20 read and write timing,The on-chip ROM matching program,Reading the temperature program,Buzzer alarm with voice and light.The principle of this design is using keyboard set temperature limits. MCU sends to the DS18B20 read and write commands.Reading the temperature and compare with the set temperature value.If is greater than the set value ,the sound and light alarm system would be touched off and the actual temperature display at the same time. 

  The design meet the requirement. Through the keys to detect the temperature of the 4 points . The effect is Reliable. 

Keywords: DS18B20 sensor; single bus; single-chip microcomputer; temperature acquisition

上传会员 阳の阳 对本文的描述:本课题涉及到单片机控制技术、电子信息技术、计算机技术和电气绘图等专业领域方方面面的知识,具有综合性、科学性、代表性,可全面检验和提升学生的理论基础和工作能力......
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