
资料分类:电气工程 上传会员:浅浅的回忆 更新时间:2013-06-19
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Abstract:A metallurgical plant 10 KV power distribution is a important part of the system, the electrical equipment and wiring distribution network according to a certain way of composition, he obtained power from the power system, through its transformation, distribution, transportation and protection functions, then energy safe, reliable, economical transportation to each place setting to switch electrical equipment. Distribution involves many aspects, many problems need to be considered, analysis of distribution of the tasks and user load, etc., select the site, the use of user data for load calculation to determine the reactive power compensation device user. While the choice of a variety of transformers in order to determine the distribution of the wiring, then shot-circuit current calculation, select the electric transmission and distribution network and conductors, the shot-circuit current calculation, select the high and low voltage electrical distribution equipment.

The distribution of the preliminary design include:

(1) power compensation

(2) to determine the transformer

(3) system wiring scheme selection

(4) shot-circuit current calculation

(5) relay selection and tuning

(6) monitoring system design

keywords: distribution ; main wiring; run status monitoring


上传会员 浅浅的回忆 对本文的描述:某冶金工厂10KV配电所是电力系统的一个重要组成部分,由电气设备及配电网络按一定的接线方式所构成,他从电力系统取得电能,通过其变换、分配、输送与保护等功能,然后将电能安......
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