
资料分类:电气工程 上传会员:小时代 更新时间:2013-08-29
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Abstract:The drainage system is indispensable infrastructure of a city, key projects of urban water pollution control and drainage, flood control. The normal operation of a direct impact on an urban social and economic development, protection of ecological environment and people's normal life. In the urban drainage system, in order to avoid the spillover phenomenon due to the water level is too high, you must run the pumping stations at all levels of the urban drainage system reasonable dispatch. According to the similarity principle, the DC circuit model of the urban drainage system, water level control simulation, to build the auxiliary equivalent drainage system. Which nodes the water level corresponding to the equivalent DC circuit node potential pipeline resistance coefficient corresponds to the equivalent DC circuit in the edge of the electric group, the pump head corresponds to the corresponding edge of the equivalent DC circuit electromotive force. Using Kirchhoff's law to build the water balance equation. Level control of the iterative algorithm can simulate drawn between two nodes need to install the pump, or the need to install much lift pump, in order to achieve the design of low-cost, short cyclical purposes.

Key words:Urban drainage systems; computer simulation; DC circuit model


上传会员 小时代 对本文的描述:运用基尔霍夫定律构建水流平衡方程式。通过水位控制的迭代算法,可以模拟得出在两个结点间是否需要安装水泵,或需要安装多大扬程的水泵,以达到设计的成本低、周期性短的目的......
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