
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:我的美女老师 更新时间:2013-10-26
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Abstract:Arctic are rich in oil and mineral resources increasingly realistic feasibility, outside the delimitation of the continental shelf, 200 nautical miles of the Arctic has become a hot issue of the law of the sea. In this paper, through the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and of the legal system, further analysis of the international legal basis for the delimitation of the continental shelf beyond 200 nautical miles of the Arctic region, the main legal issues, and academia to solve the problem. Resulting in the delimitation of the continental shelf of 200 nautical miles by a specific program to solve a one-time, but within the framework of existing international law, all countries involved, the distinction between the different stages, in order to solve a number of issues process. 200 nautical miles of outer continental shelf in the Arctic is not just regional affairs, but also closely linked with the vital interests of the non-Arctic countries, not just the sovereign rights of coastal states, the same economic interests.China should strengthen the study of the problem, in order to make positive and appropriate response.

Key words: Arctic 200miles outer continental shelf;UNCLOS;Extend continental shelf




上传会员 我的美女老师 对本文的描述:本文主要通过《联合国海洋法公约》及相关法律制度的认识,近一步分析北极地区200海里外大陆架划界的国际法基础、主要法律问题以及学界对解决该问题的建议。从而得到200海里外大......
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