
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:我的美女老师 更新时间:2013-10-26
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Abstract:The violation of good faith principle of a trademark registrant or the lax examination of the trademark registration for the trademark will lead to the improper use of it. And it will also result in violating the prior right of the owner or the user. However, the law for repealing this kind of trademark is just principle which lacks of operability in our country.Therefore, in order to prevent the improper trademark effectively with system and skill, it is necessary for us to establish a trademark examination responsibility system and an Internet enquiry system for the label, patent or copyright registration.This thesis firstly gives a brief introduction to the improper trademark and its law attribute. Secondly, it analyzes the reasons and effects of the improper trademark. Thirdly, it presentsthe major problems of repealing the improper trademark in our country. Finally, the suggestions are given to improve the provisions of the improper trademark through making references on the rules from the foreign countries.

Key words: improper registration;trademark;withdraw


   商品经济发展到今天的市场经济,商标早被人们所熟知,它所包含的经济价值十分重大,所以经常被一些不法之徒所滥用。商标的价值起初并不被我国所重视,但是随着经济全球化进程的加快,我国的企业要想发展壮大,就必须勇敢地走出去 ,把目标投向到更广阔的国外市场,因此我们要努力创立属于我们自己的品牌以及市场,这需要我们增强对商标的保护意识,加强商标管理与监督,尽可能的避免商标侵权现象的发生,维护消费者和企业的的合法权利与正常的市场经济秩序。  



上传会员 我的美女老师 对本文的描述:首先界定了不当注册商标的概念和法律属性,分析了不当注册商标产生的原因和带来的影响,说明了我国现行撤销不当注册商标法律法规存在的问题,最后通过借鉴国外关于注册商标的......
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