
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:我的美女老师 更新时间:2013-10-26
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Abstract:China's marital property system takes the form of the legal property system and agreed with the property system. If the agreement is absent or not clear, the legal property is accepted. Recently, there is a hot debate on how to allocate the marital property when the couple is divorced since the third judicial interpretation of the law of marriage has been published. Most of the arguments focus on the house property and personal property. Some people consider that the existing law is too easy and rude to the division of property in divorce. It may infringe one party’s lawful right and make that unfair. However, some scholars think, to the real estates, if the registrant gives a reasonable compensation to the other side, the right to own the real estate accord with the principle of fairness in the civil law. The research is designed to discuss and analyze the division of marital property in China from the prospective of the definition of marital property and draw the lessons of the relevant legislations abroad.

Key words:Jointly owned property; intangible property; property rights; division of property




上传会员 我的美女老师 对本文的描述:有的学者认为婚前购买的不动产,只要登记一方对另一方做出了合理的补偿,其获得不动产所有权是符合民法中的公平原则的。本文旨从界定夫妻财产的角度入手,在借鉴外国立法中可......
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