
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:我的美女老师 更新时间:2013-10-26
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Abstract: Since the beginning of reform and opening up in China, institutional transformation of society into an unprecedented period, number of crimes is dramatically increased. Some minor crimes while less harmful, but in total amount is clearly on an upward trend. Criminal cases increased tension with limited judicial resources to emerge and become increasingly prominent; backlog not only directly damages the value of lawsuit efficiency and radically contrary to justice. In recent years, protection of the individual rights of citizens has gradually become a topic of common interest. 

   In value diversified of today, people on criminal value of awareness from a Yuan to has multiple both, social order, and fair, and personal free and efficiency are became criminal judicial pursuit of multiple value, traditional significance Shang of national on penalty right of exclusive status also increasingly was challenge, at this time in Western recovery sexual judicial concept and in China created Socialist harmonious social of background Xia, criminal reconciliation of local of is very necessary and feasible of, So this article is aimed at China's national conditions and practice and judicial experience construction in accordance with the basis of criminal reconciliation system. 

   I discussed the first part of value of criminal reconciliation, part II discusses the obstacles to victim-offender mediation in China, the third section of criminal conciliation system in foreign countries as well as China's judicial practice and construction of criminal conciliation system in China from the scope, conditions, applicable stage, such as procedures for the application to draw a blueprint for construction of criminal conciliation system in China.  

Key Words:Criminal reconciliation;the value of suit;the construction of the system





上传会员 我的美女老师 对本文的描述:刑事和解在我国还处于萌芽阶段,大多数人对刑事和解的认识也停留在国外的研究层面,对于如何同我国的司法制度相融合还研究有限。大家虽然从不同的方向对刑事和解加以分析和讨......
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