
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:我的美女老师 更新时间:2013-10-26
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Abstract:"Property law" has gone into force on October 1, 2007 ,in which the common system plays a very inmportant role in real life. However, in the course of their specific purposes, there are some deficiencies and shortcomings such as the indefinite common type of total and the unclear share in a common problem The indefiniton also exists in the common property of the action and its impact on the total problem and the rights and obligations when managing  the common pocession;And the nature of partnership property is to be identified. According to the Interpretation Theory, it attaches importance to the merits because ot the legalitay of the law by the technic of the explaination of law, when dealing with the problems and inspecting the concret regulations in the law. I tried to focus on the regulation of common  system of total and its importance and to analyze the problems refered above,then suggest that make explicit provisions of the common type of total,fullfill the problem of common pocession,the share of comon share, the managment rights and duties of the common pocessions , and the nature of partnership property.

Key words: Common system of total;Share;Common relationship; Partnership property





上传会员 我的美女老师 对本文的描述:笔者围绕《物权法》关于共同共有的规定及其重要性,在法律适用中会遇到的以上几个问题展开分析,建议明确规定共有的类型,完善共有人对共有物的处分问题,明确规定共同共有份额的问......
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