
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:我的美女老师 更新时间:2013-10-26
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Abstract:With the rapid expansion of the network–game-industry the conflict and dispute during the function of protection of the virtual network property have become more and more intensive.What we are facing these days are :on the one hand,while the network economic has been rapid developed  and the society keeps making progress ,the virtual network property has caused more and more problems and dissensions,which have raised the attention to the public continually. On the other hand,the corresponding legislations can not catch up with the development of virtual network property to solve the increasing dissensions caused by it. So it is often to be seen that the judicial organ gets in a trouble situation because of the lack of united legislations,when they try cases of this kind.Facing the rapid development of network economic ,if we can not arbitrate the dissensions caused by virtual property with legislations effectively,it would undoubtedly intensify the conflicts between netizens and network operators,which goes absolutely against  the development of network economic. The author has given some advices on the  enhancement of the protection of the virtual network property in our country,which are on the base of the relevant cases in foreign countries.

Key words: Network;Virtual property;Network game





上传会员 我的美女老师 对本文的描述:如果我们不能用法律手段有效地调处各种因虚拟财产而引发的纠纷,无疑会加大网民、网络运营商之间的矛盾,对整个网络经济的发展十分不利。笔者通过借鉴网络虚拟财产的保护在国......
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