
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:我的美女老师 更新时间:2013-10-26
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Abstract:Limited partnership system originated in the United States. In china, there has been much debated in the specific practices to improve the limited partnership system. Based on the limited partnership system of the legislation value analysis, further pointed out that the system set up at my country the necessity and importance in terms of national policies, laws and regulations or the practice's point of view, it is very necessary to establish the limited partnership system in our country. Because of suspension of the limited partnership system in China's existing laws and regulations did not clearly defined,each judge has not a unified standard in judicial practice. Suspension of postponing prosecution, through drawing on the experience exist in other countries on China's building a system to suspend the limited partnership of a number of recommendations put forward specific.

Key words: limited partnership, the legislative value of separate legislation, system improvement


   从美国的经验看,采取单独制定《有限合伙法》对我国来说也同样是比较适合。首先,他可以体现立法上对有限合伙企业的重视,体现出我国鼓励风险投资,促进高新产业发展的决心。其次,有限合伙作为一种企业组织形态发展至今,其不断趋向复杂化,专业化,有限合伙企业也越来越向独立的法人主体靠拢。美国进入80年代推出了一种新的企业组织结构形式——业主有限合伙(Master Limited Partnership ,缩写为MLP)。它使投资者可以得到传统合伙企业的结构和纳税优惠,但又在若干关键方面与传统合伙企业不同,即MLP可借助有组织的、对合伙企业权益进行交易的二级市场,为风险投资者提供其企业股权的可流通性。因而MLP保留了公司所具有的许多优点,同时又具有公司所没有的优点。提出这一发展变化旨在说明有限合伙在国外的发展已经远远超出了我们起始对它的了解。有限合伙已经脱离了最初原始的合伙形态,表现出复杂化,精细化,独立化等种种令人目不暇接的新变化,其具体组织形态也呈现出多样化的特点。


上传会员 我的美女老师 对本文的描述:由于有限合伙制度在我国现行法律法规中没有具体独立的规定,所以在司法实践中各地的做法并没有统一的标准。笔者通过借鉴有限合伙制度在各地的经验,对我国有限合伙制度完善提......
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