
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:乐悠悠7788 更新时间:2014-04-23
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关键词:基金管理公司 独立董事 独立性 专业性 基金份额持有人 金融脆弱性


Abstract: Since independent director system was implemented in Fund Management Corporations, independent directors have played an important role in strengthening the independence of board of directors, complementing the function of supervision of board of supervisors, protecting the rights and interests of fund unit holders, stabilizing the financial order and overcoming the financial vulnerability. Considering the Contract Law and the Fund Law, this paper focuses on the discussing these values of implementing independent director system in Fund Management Corporations. By analyzing and giving an in-depth discussion on the issues that how to ensure the independence of independent directors; how to give full play to directors’ advantages in expertise; how to coordinate the relationship between independent directors and other supervisory organs in the corporation, this paper puts forward a series of suggestions, such as clarifying the definition, the function and the responsibility of independent directors to remove the regime of uncertainty in practice; making regulations to support the introduction of independent directors and the supervisory board of the authority to coordinate the relationship between them; strengthening the training of independent directors, establishing Independent Board of Directors market and giving an additional independent access to information to give full play to directors’ advantages in expertise;  improving the mechanism of the directors elected system, pay system to guarantee its independence and so on.

Key words: Fund Management Corporations, independent director,the independence,advantages in expertise,the rights and interests of fund unit holders,financial vulnerability

上传会员 乐悠悠7788 对本文的描述:在我国基金管理公司中设立独立董事,该制度设计在实施过程中,理论界和实务界都进行了广泛的研究探讨,对于独立董事制度的价值,独立董事制度在改善基金管理公司治理中的作用......
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