
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:乐悠悠7788 更新时间:2014-04-23
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摘要 晚清预备立宪运动是我国宪政史上的一次探索,且意义重大。虽然这场运动在经济、文化、思想等社会基础方面的不成熟而导致后人对其结果的评价并不高,但还是为之后的中国初步奠定了宪政国家所应当具备的社会基础。结合人类的宪政探索经验,这些社会基础应当包括市场、宗教、限权思想、宪法意识等方面的具体内容。当今中国要实现宪政的理想,就必须正视在某些社会基础方面的不足。只要中国的各项社会指标正朝着更加文明的方向进步,也就意味着我国正向着法治理想前行。

关键词 宪政 社会基础 预备立宪 


Abstract Preliminary Constitutional Movement in late Qing Dynasty is an exploration in China’s constitutional history, which is of great significance. Although the value of this movement does not prevail in society because of its immature social foundations including economy, culture and ideology, this movement has laid the basic social foundation of constitutional government for China. Considering of the human experience in constitutional movements, social foundations should involve some specific aspects such as market, religion, consciousness of limited power, consciousness of Constitution,etc. China today to realize the ideal of constitutional government, we have to face the deficiency of social foundations in some gaps. As long as China’s various social indexes are reaching higher level of civilization, China is heading to the ideal society ruled by law.

Keywords Constitutionalism; social foundations; Preliminary Constitutional

上传会员 乐悠悠7788 对本文的描述:中国学者面对西方国家的三权分立体制、司法审查制度、议会制度、宪法法院制度感叹,中国的宪政探索之路历尽艰辛,却未必能实现西方意义上的“宪政”,认为中国的社会土壤不适......
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