
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:乐悠悠7788 更新时间:2014-04-23
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关键词:相对不起诉   检察机关   自由裁量权   制度适用


Abstract:Relative non-initiating prosecution is one type of nonprosecution, belonging to the category of public prosecution, exercised by procuratorial organs. Relative non-initiating a prosecution system provides a screening system protection for a fair trial  from the procedural. Its value pursuit has become had skyrocketed. However the defects of the system affect its function. This paper starts from the connotation of relative non-initiating prosecution system, analyse the defects of the system, then put forward some suggestions on how to optimize according to these defects, including define the applicable conditions in law, establish the deferred prosecution system, increase the application in practice, establish the corresponding measures and strengthen the supervision to the power of relative non-initiating prosecution.

Key words: Relative non-initiating Prosecution , Procuratorial Organs , Discretion , Apply to the syetem

上传会员 乐悠悠7788 对本文的描述:该制度在立法和实践中仍然存在着不少问题,引来学者争议,严重影响着该制度功能的发挥,例如该制度的适用条件是什么?其性质什么?在立法和实践上的问题有哪些?其探索完善之......
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