
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:soso 更新时间:2014-04-24
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关键词:商事关系  商人人格关系  商事营业关系  商法  民法  经济法


Abstract:At the beginning of the establishment,our commercial law was plunged into the difficulty that the theory falls behind the practice. So far it has not built a relatively mature theory,and the regulating object of commercial law is confusing.  However,commercial law as a special legal department,its unique theory which make itself be independent of other relevant legal departments,shall be built on the special theory of the regulating object. Therefore,the regulating object of commercial law actually is the theoretical basis. As in China,the specific regulating object of commercial law is commercial relation which contains businessman personality (produce,change and destroy) relation and commercial business relation. This relation can not only let commercial content clearer,but also can make the  boundaries among commercial law,civil law and economic law more apparent.

Key words: commercial relation;commercial personality relation;commercial business relation;commercial law; civil law; economic law   

上传会员 soso 对本文的描述:我们在引进国外先进的商法理论及立法时,没有充分认识到商法所特有的学理和深层的理论价值,以至于我国商法基础理论的研究发展至今仍在重复着近代的陈旧学说,或是勉强套用民......
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