
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:soso 更新时间:2014-04-24
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关键词:司法   民意   必要性   可能性   方式


Abstract:With the deepening of the construction of the socialist rule of law, the public's awareness of the law become growing, the public's concern for justice has been strengthened, the influence of public opinion for justice continues to grow. It is very important for justice to attract public opinion, public opinion can enhance the acceptability and credibility of justice, it can also compensate for outdated legislation which led to the problem of unfair cases. Though the judging of the mainstream public opinion, court can attract favorable views of justice, so justice and acceptability of the case can be strengthened. As the inherent institutional weaknesses of public opinion and the Institutional vulnerability of our country, when justice attract public opinion we must be careful, we should combine judicial professionalism and judicial democratization  to do well to attracting public opinion in the reform of justice.

Key words:justice   public opinion   necessity   possibility   way

上传会员 soso 对本文的描述:因为民意的固有缺陷(非理性、无序性和可煽动性),过度吸纳民意可能导致重实体轻程序,司法权侵犯立法权等等问题。因此,司法是否有吸纳民意的必要?司法是否有可能吸纳民意......
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