
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:soso 更新时间:2014-04-24
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Abstract:One purpose of establishing the plaintiff’s qualification in administrative proceedings is to confirm the range of judicial review. Confirming the range of judicial review may implement the restriction of judicial power on administrative authority. In China, the power of this restriction is so weak that we need to extend the range of the plaintiff’s qualification. The other object of establishing the plaintiff’s qualification is to avoid the abuse of legal capacity to sue. But because of the Chinese cultural tradition that the civilians are reluctant to sue, the possibility of abusing legal capacity to sue is quite low. In terms of the appearance of administrative proceedings for public interests in judicial practice, we need to extend the range of the plaintiff’s qualification.

Key words:administrative proceedings; qualification of plaintiff; power restriction; public interest litigation

上传会员 soso 对本文的描述:行政诉讼的原告为行政诉讼的当事人之一,其概念在不同的学者的描述中虽然不尽相同,但是主要要件基本一致。即行政诉讼原告是指认为自己的合法权益受到具体行政行为的不法侵害......
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