
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:soso 更新时间:2014-04-24
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关键词:国际经济秩序  国际经济组织  国际经济变动  中国角色定位


Abstract: After the World War II, cooperation among countries has been further deepened, and the international economic order has experienced a process both from chaos to orders and from power- oriented to rule oriented. Since the 19 century’s opium war, China has been in a weak status in the world economic and political structure, and till its establishment, P.R. China began to melt into the world political and economic structure and began to play an important role in international economic order. After the entry into WTO, China has been playing very important functions in the world economic order. In view of the current development trend, we have reasons to expect that China will have more important status in the future.

Key words:  International Economic Order   International Economic Institution Change of International Economy    Role of China

上传会员 soso 对本文的描述:理想的国际经济秩序从程序意义上说,是一整套成文和不成文的行为模式,它强调的应当是主体权利的平等,从实体意义上,是权力和经济利益分配的质量,它强调的是公平......
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