
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:soso 更新时间:2014-04-24
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关键词:所有权   国家所有权  公权  私权


Abstract: State ownership of economic activity in today's society has a pivotal position. Attached to the law of countries with independent personality of country ownership is a legal relationship of ownership, legal relationship with the general characteristics of ownership, but in view of subject, object, to achieve the different forms of ownership compared to other forms of state ownership also has its own characteristics. Therefore, we can say, country ownership, the nature of both public rights and private rights in different legal relationships have different performance. In the dominant position of state-owned socialist economy of China, a single private right to emphasize the nature of state ownership is not conducive to civil society oversight of state-owned resources; and a single emphasis on the nature of public rights of national ownership is not conducive to the socialist market economic system advance the reform and improvement.

Keywords: ownership state ownership nature definition

上传会员 soso 对本文的描述:正确认识国家所有权的性质,能够确保国有资源得到更加规范、严格的监督,能够确保国有资产、资源实现优化、合理的配置,能够确保国有资源、资产在社会主义市场经济运行中合理......
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